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1st International Conference on using Direct Action to End the War on Drugs- Festival Program

* This is a draft of program and is subject to change

Sunday 21st September

4PM: Opening Party and BBQ at Gilbert Street

BYO Consumables

Monday 22nd September

11am to 6pm : Syringe Festival Conference

7:30pm- Art exhibition launch

Venue to be confirmed

Tuesday 23rd September

11am to 6pm: Syringe Festival Conference

7:30PM Art Exhibition

Caberet Night

Venue: Groove Cafe

Address:Shop 4

35 Progress Drive


Featuring the Nogies Awards- Appreciation awards for NAP members and supporters.

Time: 7pm-11pm


Solidarity Price $40

General Public $30

NAP members/drug user activists $25

Preview the menu

Entertainment for the night: Performers

All funds will help cover Darwin Syringe Festival costs including travel costs of international drug user activists. we encourage people to purchase tickets in advance as seats are limited and tickets are selling fast. To order tickets please make payment into darwin syringe festival account and contact the organisers via email or phone us on ....

Wednesday 24th September

11am to 6pm: Syringe Festival Conference

Art exhibition

8pm Film Night - canceled at last minute

Thursday 25th September

11am to 6pm: Syringe Festival Conference

12 am - dawn DOOF!

@ Lake alexander

Friday 26th September

Art Exhibition

Saturday 27th September

Art Exhibition

Smoke-in at Bennett Park,outside parliament house, City

Put Large Syringe along with letter from america about a drug war prisoner on the steps of parliament.

Sunday 28th September

1:30 pm: Tour of Injustice- canceled due to lack of funds

Browse the Syringe Festival Website


Conference Program


Taste of the Top End

Contact the organisers: